Why should you sign up?
So that you can stay up-to-date and share these stories easily, across all your platforms, and help expand their reach.
Why did you create this page?
We wanted to help animal rights organizations to spread their messaging as far and wide as possible, by enlisting you and your networks.
Can I submit articles for you to cross-post?
Sure! We do ask that they be from nationally- or internationally-focused organizations. We are in direct contact with most of them, and get articles submitted from each on an immediate basis. If you happen to notice an organization that we haven’t, please let us know! We will be happy to reach out to them.
What do I do with the information?
Share it! We have created links next to each article so that you can share them on each of your social media platforms. The goal is to spread each message farther by using the collective whole, so that each message gains a wider audience through sharing. We are an Echo Chamber, and want these voices to echo across the media as much as possible.
Do you give my email address to anyone?
Nope. Never. Your email address is for our use only. And we promise not to spam you either.
How often do you send out newsletters?
Once a week, usually.
Will there be any graphic content in your newsletters or on your website?
Nope. We’re sensitive creatures too, just like those we are trying to protect. While we can’t promise there won’t be graphic nature in the articles once you go visit them, we can promise we won’t post graphic content on our page or social media feeds.
How can I find out more about being vegan or vegetarian?
MFA, PETA, and HSUS all have excellent starter-kits for new vegans and vegetarians.
Please see the Our Friends page for a list of some of our favorite documentaries, bloggers, chefs, authors, products, companies, and more.
Which animal rights organizations do you support?
All of them! But on this page, we try to focus on sharing messages from the national or international ones so that more people can relate to them, and the messages are pertinent to everyone receiving them. Hopefully as we expand, we can open up local chapters.