CBS NEWS: As Thanksgiving Nears, Direct Action Everywhere Decries Conditions at ‘Humane’ Turkey Farm

After a nine-month undercover investigation at a Moroni, Utah, farm that supplies turkeys to Norbest, Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) said it found turkeys packed shoulder-to-shoulder in "filthy industrial sheds."

WASHINGTON POST: Trump calls elephant hunting a ‘horror show’ and suggests he’ll enforce a ban on trophy imports

Following strong bipartisan criticism of the administration’s decision to allow imports of trophy carcasses, Trump had moved Friday to put the imports on hold. Trump said on Twitter that he would announce a final decision this week.

NEWSWEEK: Cow Science – Cattle Are Intelligent, Emotional and They Have Eureka Moments

A new peer-reviewed research paper, The Psychology of Cows, demonstrated bovine cognition, & determined that cows can have “Eureka” moments, be optimistic or pessimistic, are affected by painful experiences, protect their calves, & can recognize friends.