HSI: K-REACH reform bill to strengthen non-animal testing mandate and establish ‘last resort’ vertebrate use principle

Humane Society International welcomes the introduction of a bill revising K-REACH, which has until now led to a disturbing increase in animal testing.

MERCY FOR ANIMALS: Scotland’s Green Party Pushes Veganism to Fight Climate Change

Green Party MSP Mark Ruskell lodged a motion to the Scottish Parliament urging ministers to “take account of the carbon footprint” of the food provided in the public sector by supporting The Vegan Society’s 7-day vegan challenge, Plate Up for the Planet.

COMPASSION OVER KILLING: Tyson Backs Out of Plans for KS Plant as Thousands Protest, Officials Pull Support

In a victory for a Kansas community and for animals, Tyson Foods — the nation’s largest chicken producer — has backed down on plans to build a $320 million chicken processing plant in the town of Tonganoxie, following protests by more than 2,000 people.