ONE GREEN PLANET: Largest Food Distributor in the U.S. Teamed Up With Beyond Meat to Bring Vegan Burgers to the Masses!

Vegan meat alternative company Beyond Meat just announced a new partnership with Sysco. As the largest food distributor in the U.S, Sysco sells and distributes food products to restaurants, hotels, healthcare facilities, and schools.

ALDF: Court Greenlights Deceptive Advertising Case Against Hormel “Natural Choice” Products

The Animal Legal Defense Fund, Public Justice, & the Richman Law Group announced that the D.C. Superior Court has denied Hormel Foods’ motion to dismiss the groups’ lawsuit against the meat giant, allowing the case to move forward into discovery phase.

MERCY FOR ANIMALS: World’s Largest Meatpacking Company CEO Arrested Amid Corruption and Bribery Scandals

The CEO of meatpacking giant JBS S.A. was arrested in São Paulo, Brazil, amid a corruption and bribery scandal involving nearly 2,000 politicians, including Brazil’s president, Michel Temer.