WASHINGTON POST: FBI raids animal shelters, searching for piglets rescued from factory farm, activists say

Earlier this year, non-profit animal rights organization Direct Action Everywhere took two pigs it named “Lucy” and “Ethel” from a hog farm operation in Utah; it now says the FBI raided two animal sanctuaries in recent weeks in search of the piglets.

HSUS: U.S. House approves amendment to enable cruel, unsporting killing of grizzly bears and wolves on millions of acres of National Park Service lands in Alaska

U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment by a vote of 215 to 196 to block a 2015 rule issued by the National Park Service to protect grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, coyotes & caribou on public lands in Alaska from egregious killing practices.

FOOD & WATER WATCH: Why is the Government Using Your Tax Dollars to Support Factory Farms?

USDA uses public dollars to directly promote factory farming by providing loans needed to build these high-risk, polluting facilities, and fast-tracking the Environmental Assessment process required. Now Food & Water Watch is suing them.