MERCY FOR ANIMALS: New Book by MFA’s Founder Nathan Runkle Offers a Compelling Look at Animal Welfare & Factory Farming in the U.S.

Nathan Runkle would have been a 5th-generation farmer in his small Midwestern town. Instead, he founded our nation’s leading nonprofit organization for protecting factory-farmed animals. His new book brings us into the trenches of his organization’s work.

PCRM: Arkansas Children’s Hospital Upgrades Patient Menu, Removes #HazardousHotDogs

Arkansas Children’s Hospital has made its patient menu more healthful by removing cancer-causing hot dogs. The decision aligns with a recent resolution issued by the American Medical Association calling on hospitals to offer plant-based low-sugar options.

MERCY FOR ANIMALS: California Aims to Pass Game-Changing Law for Farmed Animals

Last week a coalition of animal advocates, food safety experts, and others proposed the Prevention of Cruelty to Farm Animals Act, which would require that pork, eggs, and veal produced or sold in California come from animals who are NOT KEPT IN CAGES.