LCA: Cutting-Edge Scientific Advancements Offer Alternatives to Cruel Animal Tests

In August the World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Testing convened in Seattle & held discussions on emerging alternatives to animal testing. Researchers presented on groundbreaking advancements and strategic methods of changing government protocols.

HSUS: Celebrities urge Congress to keep horse slaughterhouses closed in the U.S.

Ten years ago the last horse slaughter plant operating in the U.S. closed. This September however, an amendment set to reach the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives will determine whether taxpayers will be funding the return of this cruel industry.

WASHINGTON POST: How to stick to your vegetarian or vegan diet while you’re traveling

If you’re among the estimated 8 million vegetarians and 1 million vegans in the United States, a growing number of resources online and on the ground, as well as changes in the hospitality industry, are making veg-friendly travel easier than ever before.

UNBOUND PROJECT: Ledaiki Ann Nailateni Wants Her Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandchildren to Be Able to See Rhinos

Ledaiki Ann Nailateni is one of only a few Maasai women working with the Kenya Wildlife Service. Check out Unbound Project's inspiring interview with her on her commitment to protecting the wildlife of Kenya from poaching.