MERCY FOR ANIMALS: Slaughterhouse Workers Have PTSD From Killing Animals. Here’s Why That Matters…

Countless reports have highlighted the dangerous conditions faced by workers at factory farms & slaughterhouses but they also face psychological trauma. The emotional dissonance required to carry out their jobs can lead to PTSD, domestic abuse, and more.

ONE GREEN PLANET: Michael Kors, Gucci, and Others Are Using Fur From ‘Monster Foxes’ Who Are Bred to be 5 Times Bigger

Animal rights group Oikeutta eläimille (Animal Justice) released a new undercover investigation from five Finnish fur farms showing blue foxes bred to be cruelly overweight in order to maximize the amount of fur from each animal.

ANIMAL EQUALITY: The British Dietetic Association confirms vegan diets are healthy for everyone

In a memorandum of understanding with The Vegan Society, the BDA, the largest organization of nutrition and diet professionals, states that a well planned vegan diet can be enjoyed by children & adults, including during pregnancy & breastfeeding mothers.