MERCY FOR ANIMALS: New Organization Aims to Make the Animal Rights Movement More Inclusive

A new organization, Encompass, is making diversity in the animal protection movement its mission. "If we want our collective mission--to reduce suffering--to take hold, our movement must reflect the country we're trying to change. We must be the change."

LAST CHANCE FOR ANIMALS: LCA Launches ‘FBI Tracks Animal Cruelty’ Campaign Urging Participation in National Animal Cruelty Database

The LCA's campaign urges law enforcement agencies to join the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System. Go to to learn whether your state law enforcement agencies report to NIBRS, and who to contact if they don't.

ANIMAL EQUALITY: Breaking News – AE Introduces Initiative in Jalisco to Make Cruelty to Farmed Animals a Felony!

As a result of an investigation into Mexican slaughterhouses, Deputy Alejandro Hermosillo and Dulce Ramirez, Executive Director of AE in Mexico, introduced an initiative to make cruelty to farmed animals a felony crime.

MERCY FOR ANIMALS: New Drone Footage Exposes the Scale of Factory Animal Farming Like Never Before

"The meat industry spends millions on deceptive advertising to persuade consumers that farmed animals roam freely on bucolic pastures. But we’ve been piloting drones over factory farms for years, and the video tells a different story."

MERCY FOR ANIMALS: The Dairy Industry’s Attempt to Silence Animal Activists in the U.K. Blew Up in Its Face

A vegan ad campaign run by Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary in Ireland ran a newspaper ad highlighting the abuse of dairy cows. The dairy industry tried to challenge it, but the UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) found that the ad was NOT misleading.