LIVEKINDLY: Company Offers Year of Free Marketing Services to Businesses That Go Vegan

Aveccio is a vegan eco-friendly, and cruelty-free marketing service, and they are offering a full year of free marketing services (research, website design, app creation, & social media management) to businesses that make the switch to 100% cruelty-free.

GFI: Q&A With Kathy Freston and Bruce Friedrich, Authors of New Book, “Clean Protein”

Vegan author Kathy Freston and The Good Food Institute Executive Director Bruce Friedrich have a new book out called "Clean Protein" in which they explore clean sources of protein that don't harm your health, the animals, or the planet.

HSUS: Ohio’s long-awaited reforms for veal calves, dairy cows kick in

At the start of January, some major reforms for farm animals went into effect in Ohio – a ban on keeping veal calves in crates so small that the animals cannot even turn around, and a ban on cutting off cows’ tails for medically unnecessary reasons.

DxE: BREAKING – San Francisco is on the cusp of becoming the first major city IN THE WORLD to ban the sale of fur!

On 1/24, the city of San Francisco will be considering a ban on the sale of fur. The sponsor of the law has asked for as many signatures as possible to support the ban. TAKE ACTION and sign now!