WORLD ANIMAL NEWS: West African Dolphin Now Listed As Critically Endangered On IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species

A little-known dolphin that only lives along the Atlantic coasts of Western Africa is now believed to be among the continent’s most endangered mammals, according to The Wildlife Conservation Society and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

THE INDEPENDENT: UK’s Environmental Secretary Michael Gove Says UK Will Be ‘Front and Centre’ of Global Efforts to End Ivory Trade

There have been more than 60,000 responses to a public consultation on the UK Government’s plans to ban the sale of ivory items, with the overwhelming majority in favor of the prohibition, DEFRA said.

MERCY FOR ANIMALS: MFA’s Conscious Eating Program Will Serve 26 Million Vegan Meals Each Year

Over the past year, Mercy For Animals’ Conscious Eating program secured nine policy commitments. from schools, universities, and social service agencies. As a result, more than 600,000 meals per week that would have contained meat will now be vegan.

PETA: Philly Started 2018 Off Right by Shutting Down Philadelphia Carriage Co.

Philadelphia Carriage Co. ceased operations on the last day of 2017 as a result of a settlement agreement reached with the city of Philadelphia. The company came under fire after it illegally forced sick horses to haul heavy carriages day in & day out.

HSUS: HSI deals a blow to poachers, traders by choking off the display and sale of wildlife at massive Indian fair

At the annual Sonepur fair in India, trading in wildlife became a global spectacle for people drawn to this sordid & sickening enterprise. Not anymore, thanks to a strong, well-planned, and methodically executed campaign by HSI's India team.