COMPASSION OVER KILLING: Major Egg Producer’s Stocks Drop as Consumers Pick Vegan

One the nation’s leading producers of eggs, Cal-Maine, has cited a consumer shift toward plant-based egg options as a reason its profits are dropping! The company has stated a $74.3 million loss for the 2017 fiscal year and stocks are down by 22%!

LIVEKINDLY: LA’s Vegan School Lunch Program Could Be Served to 650,000 Students Due to Popularity

The vegan school lunch program that launched at the start of the '17-'18 school year in L.A. Unified School District has been so successful this year, the district’s Food Services Division says it’s going to recommend expanding throughout the district!

HSUS: VA and HSUS Announce Pact to Help Veterans and Homeless Animals

The Humane Society of the United States is pleased to join with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in announcing a strategic partnership to support Veterans, their well-being, and their social integration through the adoption of rescued animals.